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Steel Erection and Construction Spanish Fort

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steel erection
What is steel erection

Specialized Equipment and Trained Operators provide expertise in hanging iron for Erection Contractors.
Amp Welding Fabrication experience delivers quick and safe erection of new structures.

General Construction:

  • Forms
  • Trusses
  • Material Handling
  • Precast Panels
  • Maintenance such as glass replacement on commercial and high-rise structures. Roof replacement and material handling.
  • Specialized Rigging equipment and Operators for tilt up construction.
  • Prefabricated Building Construction
  • Sign Erection
  • Bridge beam hoisting
  • Bridge construction


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What is the difference between weld-up construction and a pre-engineered steel building?

If you look at a completed structure, you might not be able to tell, at least not right away. But if you take away everything but the frame, you can easily see the differences. Below is a comparison of the two construction methods for steel buildings. Each has its pros and cons.


A weld-up (field-welded) steel frame is just what is sounds like; the frame members are permanently fastened together with molten metal, or welding material.

Weld-up buildings typically require fewer parts, and less retooling than other kinds of construction and a welded joint can be stronger than a bolted one. You can even get steel members with weld-plates built-in, speeding up placement and making it easier for non-welders to construct.

A weld-up building needs a concrete pad designed to bear the weight of the standard hot rolled members, creating added strength and stability at the base.  It’s a good choice for storage units, a workshop, or other enclosed steel structure.


Weld-up steel buildings are not truly engineered; they are fabricated on the jobsite from locally sourced steel pipe or conventional metal framing of mill-produced hot rolled steel beams and columns.

Depending on the availability of materials and transportation, you may be able to receive the framing materials fairly quickly. If special architectural details are required, they will have to be developed for each project.

Everything is measured, cut, and welded including the trusses. Upfront costs are lower than a pre-engineered building, but extra materials are required because the members are not pre-measured, they are simply standardized lengths that must be cut on-site.

In some areas, permitting for a weld-up is difficult to obtain; depending on the region, weld-up buildings are disallowed by the building code. Once you have the permit, you will need specialized labor skilled in cutting and welding steel members. The weight of the building is unknown; the foundation will have to account for that, potentially being designed as a larger, heavier concrete pad than one required for a pre-engineered building where the exact weight is a known factor.

Every weld must be inspected, tested, and approved individually before the building can be completed.

If a weld-up building frame is damaged, the only way to repair it is to cut out the welded section and replace it. A welded joint cannot be disassembled to make repairs or to move, renovate, or change the shape of the building. Additionally, rigid welds and heavier frames don’t perform well during seismic movement.

However, it is a very strong building since the frame members are permanently connected using full welds.  As for cost, a weld-up building is more economical than many bolt-up structures.


You may hear it called a pre-engineered, prefabricated, or pre-manufactured metal building; the terms all mean the same thing. Every piece of the steel building, from members and fasteners to panels, has been fabricated in a manufacturing environment.

Quality control is highly developed in manufacturing environments; everything is fabricated to strict specifications. Materials are from a single source, improving accountability and safety. Pre-engineered steel buildings are particularly favored in seismically active areas.

Steel panels and members plus fasteners are relatively flexible, less likely to break if bent, even at the connections.

Everything is cut, factory-welded, punched, and marked: the columns, rafters, girts, and purlins. High strength bolts are included. There is no waste material to dispose of at the site.


Pre-engineered buildings are professionally designed and fabricated at the vendor. Everything is cut and punched to fit together like a model. Once all the pieces are formed, everything is put together in a kit and delivered to the jobsite in six to eight weeks, ready to be put together.

As part of the design process, the building is engineered to meet the appropriate building codes and load requirements. You can obtain engineer stamped plans that can make permitting easier.

Most pre-engineered steel buildings require only a simple foundation to support the lighter weight. Frame members are tapered to reduce weight and material usage. Flanges are included to make mating and fastening easier. Most of the web is made of differing thicknesses and depth to more closely match internal stress points.

Overall, the construction of the metal frame can be achieved with less-skilled labor, and the weight of the building is about 30% less than a comparable conventional steel building.

Repairing, renovating, or moving a pre-engineered building is performed with relative ease by taking apart the joints and replacing any damaged pieces or reassembling the building elsewhere.


Deciding between a weld-up steel building versus a pre-engineered steel building comes down to a couple of factors.

Weld-up steel buildings tend to have a lower up-front cost. There is no waiting for design or manufacturing, you obtain the steel members locally in standard lengths and cut them to the needed size.

Members are welded together, forming a strong and rigid structure that is durable and long-lasting. If you are on a budget and are confident the building will need no changes in the future, a weld-up steel building is a bargain.

On the other hand, if you anticipate the need to make changes to the building or inexpensively to add architectural detail, a pre-engineered steel building may be the best choice.

It will cost more up front, but the ease of maintenance, repairs, and additions to the building make up for it. Pre-engineered buildings are quickly and easily erected with little special skill required to put up the primary and secondary framing members.

The high-quality assurance and testing program at the manufacturer virtually guarantees everything fits together properly with no waste materials left over. Pre-engineered buildings are preferred in seismically active areas where you need something a little more flexible than a welded joint.

Do you have any thoughts about either weld-up or pre-engineered buildings you would like to share?

Erecting columns is a straight forward process. The best practices for doing so are listed below.

Steel Beam Fabrication Spanish Fort

Steel beam fabrication may seem like a rather simple form of production, but endless research, experience, and hard work goes into each and every beam out there. There’s very little room between under-engineered, poorly manufactured steel beams, and over-engineered, cost-prohibitive steel beams. Figuring out where the beams required for your work fall on that continuum means the difference between safety and profitability and disaster and waste. A qualified and experienced welding company can help you find the perfect mix of quality and affordability for your company.

The Basics of Steel Beam Fabrication

Close-up of rusty steel beams stacked at a construction siteThe cutting and shaping of steel beams or any other form of structural steel requires a few different competencies to come together. A metal fabricator must be able to read and interpret engineering diagrams and blueprints, utilize modern mechanical engineering and fabrication software, apply hands-on tools ranging from staples like saws and torches to the latest and greatest technologies, and potentially warp your beams to a different shape to match specific requirements. A complete team might also keep their own engineers, compliance specialists, and other experts adjacent to the process at hand. It’s worth noting that anyone with a few pieces of equipment can claim the title ‘metal fabricator’ with minimal effort, which can result in enormous gaps of quality between one metal fabricator and the next, even on something as relatively simple as steel beam fabrication.

Tools and Techniques

Modern fabrication equipment has become increasingly versatile and complex over the years, but breakthroughs in technique, technologies, and education means you can expect better results from top notch fabricators than ever before. Whether you’re looking at a project which requires only the simplest forms of welding or highly specialized fabrication aiming to meet demanding specifications, superior equipment and training will show itself in every aspect of your steel beams. Even if you don’t require the use of more exotic solutions, working with a team that’s familiar with those possibilities also means working with a team that knows safe, reliable, fast methods for producing high quality results on simpler jobs.


Steel encompasses an incredibly broad range of materials—and isn’t always the right metal for the job, even if you originally plan on using steel beams. Carbon content often defines the purpose of a given steel, but the options become truly limitless when you get into the finer details of the myriad variations of the alloy, not even mentioning steel alternatives. It’s important that you either carefully research your options and make an informed decision backed by sound engineering, or work with a metal fabricator capable of assisting you in the decision-making process.

Your choice of materials may also be closely linked to the capabilities of the fabricator you’re working with, as different materials can offer unique challenges. Without the right tools or equipment, you might find a less experienced or educated fabricator that simply cannot achieve the goals you have with the materials you prefer.

Standards Compliance

Steel BeamThere are any number of standards to be considered when producing steel beams, depending on the usage, region, and other factors. Some may be mandatory, backed by the rule of law for the area, while others may represent best practices for producing safe, long-lasting products. It’s crucial that someone involved in the manufacture of your steel beams be intimately familiar with all the relevant standards, and thus maintain compliance from engineering to delivery. This will usually be someone on the floor at the metal fabricator you choose for production, though in some edge cases additional input may be necessary.


When looking at something like steel beam fabrication, logistics play a crucial role in determining how well you can adhere to deadlines, account for mistakes or misunderstandings, polish the details of production, and otherwise succeed. Factors as simple as storage can make or break profits tied to the production of steel beams, with poor storage potentially damaging raw materials or completed beams—sometimes in ways too subtle to be noticed until after they fail in their role. It’s thus of extreme importance that you ensure the quality of logistics around your beam fabrication, on your end and on the metal fabricator’s.

Common Mistakes

There are a few mistakes seen again and again in metal fabrication—errors that show up as frequently on simple jobs as they do on the complex ones, as people tend to pay closer attention when they know a task will be more demanding. Here are the ones to look for from a fabricator:

  • Too many assumptions. Assumptions can turn a simple job into a nightmare for everyone involved. A good metal fabricator asks plenty of questions, so they know what the customer wants. Assumptions cause problems.
  • Non-granular quality assurance. Every metal fabricator tries to maintain some degree of quality. The ones that succeed in excellence are the ones which pay attention to every aspect of the operation, in the shop, in management, in logistics. Pride doesn’t create results—attention to detail does.
  • Poor scheduling. A welder can be spot-on with every other aspect of the business, and yet cause disaster for their customers due to poor scheduling. This often ties into making incorrect assumptions, which leads to add-ons and wasted time later in the process.
  • Technique bias. Flexibility works wonders on steel beam fabrication and other manipulation of structural steel—yet it’s common for a more inexperienced or ill-equipped shop to favor certain techniques to a degree which compromises the quality of the work they produce. A good shop’s using the right technique for the right job, even when it’s a bit harder.

Selecting a Fabricator in Spanish Fort

Choosing a metal fabricator to produce steel beams shouldn’t be undertaken lightly, as you now know. The difference between a top notch fabrication team and a low grade one will present itself quickly in every aspect of the relationship; the general product, the details, standards compliance, logistics, all of these areas can be undermined by a poor fabricator. On the other hand, working with a top notch team will improve your bottom line, minimize errors in every aspect, and help you meet deadlines, budgets, and other considerations more easily.

You should value two things when choosing a fabricator above all else: experience and references. While a skilled, knowledgeable metal fabricator might be able to produce excellent results even without these two things, you simply can’t know in advance—and thus you shouldn’t risk it.

Experience lends itself to a number of benefits, not the least of which is the ability to match production to your exact needs; an experienced fabricator will handle the fine details of your order far better than a less experienced one, even if their general knowledge of steel beam fabrication looks the same. The importance of references, of course, must not be underestimated either, as even a skilled, experienced fabricator can prove a problem to work with for any number of reasons.

Final Thoughts

Steel beam fabrication may not be the most complex aspect of your project, but it’s a crucial one. Make sure you know exactly what you need from your metal fabricator, and that you communicate those needs clearly to the shop. Bad beams can cripple any structure—but so can a good beam that’s wrong for its role. Work with a company with the right credentials and you will soon find the perfect beams to meet your application.

Erecting Single Columns

  • All main structural columns should be anchored by a minimum of 4 anchor bolts.
  • Columns should be set on levelling plates, levelling nuts, shim packs, or level finished floors for adequate transfer of construction loads. (Best option would be levelling nuts)
  • Any repairs, replacements, or field modifications of anchor bolts must be performed by a competent person with the approval of a professional engineer.
  • Before erecting a column, the prime contractor should notify the steel erector if there has been any repair, replacement, or modification of the anchor bolts for that column.
  • Attach the column rigging through a bolt hole in the top of the column in the web or a beam clip. If column rigging cannot be attached to the column due to the shape of the column, then a choker may be used provided that a way to prevent the choker from sliding up the column is in place.
  • Signal the crane to lift column. Adjust the crane’s line (by signaling the operator) to remain above the column rigging (pick point) of the lift as the column is being raised.
  • Once the column is lifted off the ground and the crane has the complete weight, stop the lift until the load settles (if required). Once the load settles, proceed to signal the crane operator to move the column into position.
  • Lower the column:
  • – Placing columns on anchor bolts. Watch for pinch points. Once the base plate of the column touches the shims, put the washers and nuts on the anchor bolts. Plumb the column by tightening the anchor bolts.
  • – Placing columns onto a steel column or beam. Watch for pinch points. Once the base plate of the column touches the connection point, bolt down. Plumb the column by tightening the connection bolts. Use spud wrench/sleaver bar to guide the column into position. Use a minimum of 4 bolts to secure the column.
  • Release the weight of the column from the crane.
  • Before releasing the rigging, make sure column is secure on the anchor bolts.
  • Unstable columns must be guyed or braced as necessary.

Installing Columns In A Frame

  • Note: Frames are often referred to as bents.
  • Space columns out on the ground and place beams, bracings, or frames between columns as shown in the structural drawings to make large frame. Attach lower or upper beam framing between the columns as required. Ensure that the crane capacity for the lift will not be exceeded.
  • Attach rigging to the frame. Ensure the rigging is set up to pick a balanced, level load through the placement of the choker(s), and that the member attached to the rigging has the capacity to support the total weight of the frame being lifted. Load may be rigged off level in order to suit its final placement angle. If this is required, use clamps or erection lugs to prevent the chokers from slipping or shifting during the lift.
  • Signal the crane operator to lift frame. Adjust the crane’s line (by signaling the operator) to remain above the rigging (pick point) of the lift as the frame is being raised.
  • Once the frame is lifted off the ground and the crane has the complete weight, stop the lift until the load settles (if required). Once the load settles, proceed to signal the crane operator to move the frame into position.
  • Lower the frame onto the anchor bolts. Watch for pinch points.
  • Once the base plate of the column touches the shims, put the washers and nuts on the anchor bolts. Plumb the frame by tightening the anchor bolts.
  • Release the weight of the frame from the crane.
  • Before releasing the rigging, make sure columns are secure on the anchor bolts. If required, install temporary bracing before releasing the rigging to ensure the structural integrity at all times.

Here are some typical cost to build a metal building

“The cost of a 40×80 steel farm building will vary, with the base price starting at $31,430 for an 8-foot-tall, fully enclosed structure with one walk-in door, and a Typically, a building this large is used as industrial warehouse, an auto repair shop or as an equestrian building. A 100×100 metal building cost can range anywhere from $64,500 to $89,750* in total.

How long does it take to erect a steel building?

It can take about about seven days The average time to erect the framing for a 40′ x 60′ x 14′ building with a three-man crew is about five days. A 60′ x 100′ x 16′ normally takes about seven days to erect. Depending on the kind of building it is and what all have to be welded or bolted down .

The next component is steel trusses installation

The steel roof truss is one of structural engineering’s most important and iconic elements. Made of individual members with equal counteracting tensile and compressive forces, its purpose is designed to behave as a single object which carries/supports a load over a span . These part help control all the weight and keep the building from falling

 The Cost To Install the trusses

Here are the standard cost to install Metal Trusses” , roof truss installation typically costs between $7,200 and $12,000. You’ll spend anywhere from $1.50 to $4.50 per square foot for materials alone, or between $35 and $150, though extremely long and complex types can reach $400 each. Labor runs anywhere from $20 to $75 per hour.

These steel trusses make for a quick and easy to assemble Pole Barn kit for the contractor or do it yourself type person. Our metal truss system makes the perfect product to enclose the walls for a complete steel truss post frame building.

​Metal Roofing Wholesalers Steel Trusses are commonly being used for Barns, Garages, Storage buildings, Riding Arenas and even homes.

Our trusses are manufactured with American Steel

here in the United States. We have a variety of trusses for various functions including gable, shed, Lean-to trusses and more. Contact us for more information.

​​​​​​​​Why should I use Steel Trusses?

These heavy duty steel trusses are designed to be spaced 10′- 12′ apart, this converts to saving you valuable install time. Versus wood trusses that are commonly spaced at 2′- 4′ apart and require you to purchase and install over twice as many.


Steel: As an example a 50′ long building will only require 6 of our easy to install steel trusses spaced at 10′ apart.

Versus wood trusses for a 50′ long building would be 18 labor intensive wood trusses spaced at 3′ apart. 

 How do Metal Trusses compare in Price to wood trusses?

Our metal truss will most likely cost more each compared to wood trusses, but are strong enough that your project will only require you to use half as many or less.


Our Steel Truss system converts to overall less cost, less labor to install, and building made to withstand the test of time.

Results: Our Metal Trusses will save you both labor and money.

All truss on steel building must have bridging ,Here are the important stuff you should know why it needed “A truss bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss, a structure of connected elements usually forming triangular units. The connected elements (typically straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads.”

 Bridging cost for metal trusses

The cost of this work depends on how big the building is but labor rate is normal at $50 to $ 75 a hour to install this part of the job . the bridging cost around $65 a stick of metal about 24 foot long .

What are the advantage of truss bridges?

  • High Strength. The triangular shape that the supports are place in give it a great amount of strength. …
  • No Span Restrictions. …
  • Road Placement. …
  • Relatively Economical. …
  • Large Amount of Maintenance Required. …
  • Difficult Design To Execute. …
  • Heavy Weight. …
  • Low Weight Capacities.



Much like columns and beams, steel decking and joists work together to provide a safe and long-wearing load management system. Proper installation is critical, especially when you’re considering things like an HVAC system inside a large warehouse or retail center. When you have a professional engineer oversee the build, you ensure that the final product is sound enough to stand up to your demands. At SBC, our experts combine decades of experience to select the right materials and design strategy that will guarantee the most robust load bearing deck.

While our expert team completes every service to the highest professional standards, we always ensure that our results (as wells as our processes) exceed the expectations of each client.

Our building process is always a collaborative effort between our team and the client. From our first day on the job to the last, we emphasize constant communication—a mutual agreement backs every decision we make. This collaborative process helps us to ensure quality, stick to timetables, stay on budget, and address every little specification.

No Florida steel decking service is ever complete without the project first surpassing the highest professional standards that we set for our work. Our expert steel engineers have decades of experience with completing a wide range of construction projects. From large commercial builds, private residences, and restaurants to massive industrial centers, our team has the necessary techniques to complete each project the right way, the very first time. This diverse background gives us the opportunity to showcase our skills in every way imaginable, and we’re excited to apply our expertise and passion to your project.


Steel joists have consistently been prevalent for an assortment of reasons. These incorporate high strength and endless adaptability, low building costs, extraordinary solidarity-to-weight proportions, and simplicity of erecting in about any climate.

There is vast adaptability in the plan of a steel joist building in light of the fact that every joist is exceptionally created to the designer’s specifications. A variable number of profundities, ranges and burden conveying limits can be exclusively indicated and created at the industrial facility keeping away from costly on location work.

A high solidarity-to-weight proportion combined with low value per pound of steel joists contributes altogether to bring down building costs. An extra economy coming from joists’ light weight is that basic backings, for example, pillars, beams, columns, and establishments can be lighter by and large. This further diminishes material expense.

An ever increasing number of engineers are gauging the advantages of steel and steel joist development. One explanation is the astonishing solidarity-to-weight proportion of steel joists. What’s more, steel can perform in both pressure, not at all like concrete which must be steel strengthened to oppose ductile powers. With their high solidarity-to-weight proportion, steel joists can bolster more noteworthy burdens. Steel itself is a magnificently flexible material.

Erecting steel is quicker than concrete. You don’t have the costly work costs for setting custom-fitting structures and setting up fortifying bars at the place of work. You can work with steel in any climate, whereas concrete pouring is constrained underneath 40° F. However, it sometimes isn’t suggested when the temperature surpasses 90° F.

Embedded steel plates

Embedded steel plates with headed studs (embeds) serve as connections to structural steel framing, façade and
curtain wall systems, elevator rails, steel or precast stairs, mechanical-electrical-plumbing components, and
miscellaneous additional items. Proper anchorage and connection to concrete must be given a high priority by the
entire design and construction team. As members of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), we met in May 2018 to share experiences on the topic of embeds. This article presents our recommendations for best practices for design, fabrication,coordination, and construction of embedded steel plates in cast-in-place concrete. All recommendations are directed at constructability (cost, jobsite safety, and schedule issues), not the structural capacity of the plate or anchors. Welding to embeds must be 100% weld out .

We do steel Detailing


Steel Detailing is the creation of shop drawing used by a steel fabricator. Amp Welding Fabrication has a strong aptitude in a basic and various steel detailing services. Steel Detailing is fundamentally the generation of point by point drawings that show the production and erection of steel members, for example, metal decking, stairs, trusses, joists, handrails, shafts, columns, and braces. The steel members to appear in the detailing and drawings are utilized as a part of the skyscraper steel structures, non-building structures, Industrial plants, and bridges. Our Steel Detailing Services is given to whole residential, public, Industrial, commercial and municipal areas. Being a keen supplier of steel detailing, we frequently nearly work with building firms, general contractors, and steel fabricators. The fundamental mission of Amp Welding Fabrication is to be a confided in cooperate with Architecture, Construction and Engineering Industry. Amp Welding Fabrication helps the contractors and structural experts to design competitive priced safe structural steel cross segments.

Our Key Features :
  • Shop Drawing Services
  • Steel Shop Drawings
  • Steel Detail Work
  • Rebar Detailers
  • Rebar Detailing Services
  • Steel Design Detailing
  • Rebar Pit Design Detailing
  • Structural Steel Design
  • Steel Detailing Services
  • Precast Panel Detailing
  • Precast Wall Detailing
  • Precast Wall Panel Detailing
  • Precast Concrete Panel Detailing
  • Concrete Element Detailing
  • Bar Bending Schedules
  • Foundation Details
  • 3D Shop Drawing
  • Bar Bending List

Information about Spanish Fort

Spanish Fort is a city in Baldwin County, Alabama, United States, located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay. The 2010 census lists the population of the city as 6,798. It is a suburb of Mobile and is part of the Daphne-Fairhope-Foley micropolitan area.

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